
Dealer Support

Competitor Vehicle Comparison File

"How do the vehicles we sell compare with those of our competitors? In what ways are they better than them or not as good?"
ASWA developed the "Competitor Vehicle Comparison File" in response to this question from sales staff involved in new vehicle sales. This file contains extensive and precise comparisons of specifications, prices, loan interest, maintenance programs, and residual values of your company and its competitors, and can immediately be put to use on the sales frontlines.


VMD is a method for creation of a sales space that incorporates the process through which a customer selects, understands, and purchases a product.
VMD can be used to prepare the sales showroom from a visual perspective based on how the customer will see, select, and buy the collection items. Improving the component elements related to the sales floor layout, displays, and product presentations and other issues can lead to higher sales.

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